Tokyo Zoological Park Society (Tokyo Dobutsuen Kyokai) is a non-profit organization operating at the zoos managed by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, i.e., Ueno Zoological Gardens, Tama Zoological Park, Tokyo Sea Life Park and Inokashira Park Zoo.
1. Developing and promoting activites at the zoos
2. Spreading the idea of animal protection
Shortly after WWII, Tokyo Zoological Park Society was founded as a voluntary association, "believing that fostering the idea of animal protection is the best and fastest way to achieve humanity," and "sincerely aspiring toward healthy development of democratic zoo business" (from "The Prospectus").
The Society was chartered as a non-profit organization in 1948, became officially affiliated to Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 1986, and has been continuing to do justice to ourselves as a public corporation.
Modern zoos are not only places for recreation and relaxation, but they give us an opportunity to learn about co-existence of life and harmony of nature. Zoos should also contribute to conservation of diminishing wildlife and preservation of endangered species.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government's zoos are systematically preparing for realization of the appropriate role in the new century, and Tokyo Zoological Park Society is expected to perform an active part in it.
Our keynotes are: making the zoos more meaningful, promoting the use of the zoos, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
With these keynotes in mind, we will try to orient our resources to the three sections -- "Education Section" (zoo membership, publication, library and photography/video), "Guest Services and Facilities Maintenance," and "Commercial Section" (gift shops and restaurants in the zoos) -- and to make every effort in realizing attractive zoos.